St. Gallen and Ticino: 13 proceedings against burqa-wearers

St. Gallen and Ticino: 13 proceedings against burqa-wearers


St. Gallen and Ticino in Switzerland, so something like experimental laboratories: the first to the cantons, they introduced a concealment prohibition for the public space, women who conceal their face, threaten to buses of several Hundred Swiss francs.

What is in the two cantons already law could soon apply throughout the country. The Federal Burka Initiative calls for a cloaking ban. Critics complain that a nationwide Anti-burqa law is a pure symbol politics. Full Muslim veiled the interior one could count in Switzerland on one Hand.

No buses in St. Gallen

You Have right? New Figures show that so Far, in fact, only a few procedures have been initiated. In the Canton of St. Gallen, where the ban is in place since the beginning of the year, has spoken to the police, no buses.

In the Canton of Ticino, the burqa is ban already for about three years. There have so far been launched in only a single procedure. In the year 2018, the police registered 24 cases. However, eleven of which masked soccer and football fans related to. In the rest of the procedure is likely to be mainly tourists from the Arab region.

It’s more the principle of the thing

Norman Gobbi, the head of Ticino’s Department of home Affairs, justice and police, defended the ban: “for Us, it was clear that it is not the amount of violations, but rather a principle.” The law, the Lega politician, grant a higher level of security and defend at the same time the values of our culture.

One way or the other, the Swiss voting population is expected to decide soon whether the veiling ban is extended to the whole of Switzerland. Although the Federal Council has spoken out against the burqa Initiative and tries to move the initiators with an indirect counter-proposal to the withdrawal of your desire. The proposal of the Federal Council are not required, authorities, representatives and train control in your face, if identification is necessary, but nothing more.

The initiators of the right Egerkinger Committee should thus hardly of their Initiative for an answer.


Dal SonntagsBlick di domenica 4 agosto 2019 

Das im Tessin und in St.Gallen geltende Verhüllungsverbot für den öffentlichen Raum zeigt laut dem «SonntagsBlick» kaum Wirkung. Im Kanton St.Gallen, wo das Verbot seit Anfang des Jahres gilt, hätten Beamte noch keine einzige Busse ausgesprochen. Und im Tessin, wo das Burkaverbot bereits seit rund drei Jahren in Kraft ist, habe die Polizei im Jahr 2018 lediglich 24 Fälle registriert – wovon elf Verfahren allerdings vermummte Fussball- und Eishockeyfans betroffen hätten. Der Chef des Tessiner Departements für Inneres, Justiz und Polizei, Norman Gobbi, rechtfertigte das Verbot dennoch: «Uns war klar, dass es nicht um die Menge der Verstösse, sondern eher um ein Prinzip geht», sagte er zum «SonntagsBlick». Das Gesetz ermögliche eine höhere Sicherheit und verteidige gleichzeitig die Werte unserer Kultur, so der Lega-Politiker.